Recognising collaboration

Well done DCM Sam Bright

Congratulations to DCM Sam Bright for being nominated at a recent customer award ceremony under the external stakeholder category, unfortunately, she missed out on winning, but we are so proud of her for being nominated for the incredible work she does.

Sam was nominated by a member of the customer's team for her assistance during an IT issue onsite.

Within the nomination, her nominator praised Sam for being a pillar of stability and for continuously adopting the "one team" ethos on site. They stressed that had it not been for Sam's initiative, the time it would have taken to complete their task would have been significantly longer. 

Sam had an enjoyable day at the awards, networking with fascinating individuals.

"I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to achieve this without MTC and my wonderful team"

Sam has demonstrated MTC's accountable and collaboration values. It is huge achievement to be nominated by a customer and we are all very proud of Sam at MTC.

Ian Mulholland Managing Director
A portrait of Ian Mulholland, smiling, and wearing a white shirt.